PG 00 The Super Mario Bros Film (2023) The Super Mario Bros Film (2023) Plumber brothers Mario and Luigi open a portal to an underground city from which they must rescue...
R 00 Heat (1995) Heat (1995) The film focuses on the confrontation between two smart, cunning and prudent people, crime boss...
+11 The Legend of Hei (2019) The Legend of Hei (2019) People have learned to live in a world with fantastic creatures. Each of them has its own...
00 Batman Ninja (2018) Batman Ninja (2018) Batman and Catwoman meet Gorilla Grodd in Arkham when the latter activates a mechanism. As a...
PG 00 Bubble (2022) Bubble (2022) Disaster strikes in the capital of Japan, and now, due to uncertain events, Tokyo is in trouble,...
TV-MA 00 Barry (1-3 seasons) Barry (1-3 seasons) Hired killer Barry arrives in Los Angeles on another assignment and finds himself in a creative...
TV-MA 00 The Boys (1-3 seasons) The Boys (1-3 seasons) Compound-V is a mysterious drug used by Vought's superhumans as a performance stimulant, as well as...
R 00 John Wick (2014) John Wick (2014) The suit fits him perfectly. The weapon fits in the hand like a native. The heart asks for revenge....
PG-13 +22 The Fifth Element (1997) The Fifth Element (1997) The film is about the extinction of the Earth, followed by the clumsy professor's explanations of...
PG 00 Marmaduke (2022) Marmaduke (2022) The protagonist of the funny cartoon is a four-legged pet named Marmaduke. This incredibly cheerful...
PG-13 00 Mission: Impossible III (2006) Mission: Impossible III (2006) Mission: Impossible 3 is the sequel to the hit film series. The spy thriller genre, immortalized...
PG-13 +11 Edge of Tomorrow (2014) Edge of Tomorrow (2014) Earthlings are preparing for a decisive battle against aliens. The protagonist, an inexperienced...
R 00 Cop Land (1997) Cop Land (1997) Police drama from director James Mangold, author of the famous blockbusters "Girl, Interrupted",...
PG-13 00 Mission: Impossible (1996) Mission: Impossible (1996) uperspy, danger, Brian De Palma, Tom Cruise, Jon Voight, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Emmanuel Bear,...
PG 00 Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (2018) Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (2018) The action of the cartoon takes place many centuries ago in Transylvania. Dracula, Frankenstein,...