Dark Phoenix (2019)
The main events of the continuation of the story about mutants will unfold around Jean Grey. Possessing unimaginable abilities, she poses a deadly threat to all mankind. Now her relatives from the team of Professor Xavier will have to decide what is more important - a peaceful future or the life of one of them? Recently, mutants have increasingly been divided into small groups, at enmity with each other. After all, while some wanted to exist peacefully in human society, others fought for superiority over people. All these feuds greatly aggravated the already precarious position of the mutants. Agitated by a wave of indignation, citizens called on the government to take decisive action. Professor Xavier, who founded a school for superhumans, tried to contain the growing conflict. However, his longtime acquaintance Magneto constantly interferes in his plans, eager to point out to people their insignificance. Confused by what was happening, Gray succumbed to an inner rage and was reborn as a Dark Phoenix, carrying death on its wings.
Trailers, Teasers