Alita: Battle Angel 2
In the 23rd century, a cataclysmic interplanetary war, known as the "Fall" or "Great War", took place and left our planet devastated. The action of the movie takes place three hundred years later, in 2563. Dr. Dyson Ido, a cyborg scientist, discovers a cyborg woman with a completely intact human brain in one of the junkyards.
Ido transfers the girl's brain into the body of a cyborg, which was originally intended for the daughter of a scientist, and names her "Alita" in honor of the deceased girl. When she wakes up, she cannot remember anything about her past. Soon, Alita has a friend named Hugo, who dreams of moving to the wealthy flying city of Salem. Hugo introduces her to Motorball, a competitive sport, a royal race in which Iborg gladiators fight to the death.
Alita learns that Ido is a licensed hunter when she follows him one night, and they end up confronting three cyborg serial killers led by Grewish. When Ido was wounded, Alita, driven by instinct, attacks the cyborgs, killing two of them and severely injuring Grevish, who manages to escape. Even though Alita learns that she has a certain combat technique, Ido does not encourage her aspiration to become a hunter warrior.
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