Zootopia 2 (Zootropolis 2)
People are used to the fact that animals live in their natural habitat. At the same time, their life is very different from civilized human life. But in fact, this is not the case at all. Animals have evolved for a long time. And now their life is not much different from human life. They live in the same cities, start families, study, work. Life goes on as usual here.
Judy the hare was born in a small provincial town. Her family has been involved in the carrot business for a long time from generation to generation. Judy had to continue this tradition, and together with her many brothers and sisters, she also had to work on a carrot farm. However, this state of affairs did not suit the hare at all. She dreamed of more. All his life, this lovely creature dreamed of serving in the police. The hare is completing her training at the police academy with honors and is now ready to embark on real combat missions. However, no one takes such a crumb seriously. To begin with, she is instructed to issue fines for incorrectly parked cars. But when Judy uncovers the city conspiracy, the attitude towards the hare will immediately change. Now she is a full–fledged policeman, able to cope with any, even the most difficult task.
Trailers, Teasers