Breaking Bad Season 6
What we need to know about the series.
The forensic drama, which premiered in January 2008, was shown on AMC. It was designed and presented to the world by Vince Gilligan.The plot focuses on Walter, a former high school teacher who receives a diagnosis of lung cancer. Realizing that there is not much left for him to live, he begins to look, various ways to provide for the host of his family. What if an ordinary chemistry teacher starts producing drugs and selling them? Of course, everything will be crowned with success. His former student Jesse will help him with this. Work in the criminal world, will not leave anyone unchanged, as well as our hero. What is a desperate man capable of? Everything, and even murder. The relationships of business partners are also undergoing many stages of change. They are kidnapped and held captive, but they still manage to organize an escape. After escaping, they return to the usual course of life, having prepared an even larger batch of narcotic substances. In addition to success in business, they also face problems in their personal lives. An ingenious chemist misses all-important points of his life, such as the birth of a second child.
Girlfriend of Jesse, tragically dying of an overdose.
The storyline of the third and fourth season is still twisted around the development and sale of drugs. In order to save their lives, the main characters decide to kill a couple of essential people in the drug business.
Reaction and feedbacks.
From the very first appearance on the screens, the series was met with excellent reviews and received many different awards. Critics noted that, despite the rather harsh plot, the series is not devoid of excellent humor and sarcastic remarks. The sequel, too, was highly appreciated, the screenwriters were able to uncover the depth of middle-aged problems and the fact that a person needed a deadly disease and financial problems to push him to decisive action and get out of his comfort zone. The creators managed to keep that very line between normal life and disaster.
We can say with certainty that they managed to create what was, gained popularity among viewers of different levels. During the entire broadcast of the series, it managed to wins more than 130 different awards.
Breaking bad season 6 release date, how long we need to wait?
In the final episode of the fifth season is presented, the scene of the murder of an incredible "teacher", which will clearly prevent his return to the new season. We are also shown problems with drug addiction and Jesse's seizure world, which may be mainline of the part 6. Who will get the stolen money, and who will become the head of the business left without an owner? Several points related to the continuation were leaked to the Internet. It is noted that Bryan Craston does not appear in the form of a living character, but it is possible as a spirit of memories. Also, the family of the deceased, wife, and son can become important persons in the growth of the plot.
If you trust the rumors walking on the worldwide network, then the series shots may begin by the end of 2021.
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