Captivating and chilling thriller by M. Night Shyamalan about the transience of time. A large family decides to spend their vacation in an idyllic tropical resort where tourists hardly visit. The heroes discover the mysterious traces of their predecessors and soon realize that something is wrong with this "paradise" - here children turn into adults before our eyes, and the entire cycle of human life is reduced to one day ...
Guy and Priska are on the verge of a divorce. Together with their children, Trent and Maddox, the couple go on their last trip together, after which they are going to announce their separation. The resort manager invites the family to spend the day at a special private beach, where most tourists do not go. In addition to the heroes in this oasis of peace, there is a surgeon Charles with his mother Agnes, wife Krystal and little daughter Kara, rapper M.S. Sidan, as well as a pair of Djarin and Patricia. The children quickly get to know each other and start playing on the beach, but soon come across a grim find - the body of a young woman. When the frightened characters try to get back to the hotel, they realize that getting off the beach is not so easy ... The horror of the vacationers only intensifies when they notice that time on the island passes too quickly, and their little children grow up instantly.
Will anyone from the group manage to get off the mysterious and dangerous beach? We invite fans of atmospheric films that make you think to watch "Old" online.
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