The Mikaelson family are the original vampires, such a thousand years ago they were made by their own mother, she was a witch and only wanted to protect her children, but new creatures that drink human blood turned out. Niklaus, Elijah and Rebecca have experienced a lot over these centuries, because their own father Michael wanted only one thing, to kill his children, he believed that vampires were evil. And the elder Mikaelson was also able to become immortal in order to hunt for his offspring, because he knew that if you kill the first vampire in the family, then all those whom he turned into bloodsuckers will die with him over these long centuries. Elijah, Rebecca and Klaus are all different. Niklaus has always been a villain who feeds on the common people and does the darkest things. Elijah tried for centuries to control his brother, to make sure that his activities remain as inconspicuous as possible, because the family always comes first for him.
And Rebecca stood between the brothers, like a lightning rod, did not let them kill each other from time to time, but at the same time she made her mistakes, for which sometimes she had to pay dearly. So at the beginning of the 20th century, when vampires lived in New Orleans, it was Rebecca who was to blame for the fact that their father found them and tried to kill them. The Micolsons again abandoned everything and left the places they now considered home, and this was a shame, because they helped to cost this city and considered it theirs. And now, after almost a century, the vampires returned to the place that had become so dear to them. Only here their protégé Marcel, who was brought to their house by Niklaus in the early twenties, is in charge, and they left him when they fled the city from their father, and now everything is subordinate to him, even the witches of New Orleans. And the original vampires in the city are waiting for a completely different reception, which they did not count on, and Michael is still following their trail.
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