In the center of the plot of the popular animated series is an unusual American family. The head of the family is a CIA agent named Stan Smith, who is a very strong, but not smart enough man. His wife Francine is an ordinary housewife. Average woman, nothing special. Their son Steve is a smart guy, but too unlucky in terms of personal relationships. Sometimes he resorts to the help of his father to talk to the girls. Rebel Haley Smith is Stan and Francine's daughter. This girl has a difficult character and is imbued with the spirit of liberalism.
In the family there is a talking fish named Klauss, who has the brain of a German skier. And all thanks to the secret manipulation of the CIA! It moves around the apartment in a jar, moving its fins along the floor. And finally, the last cartoon character is the alien Roger, who once saved the life of the father of the family in the secret area 51 and has been living with the Smiths since then.
Likes to drink and put some fancy wig on his head, Roger is quite a smart and cunning creature. Constantly getting into various funny situations, the Smith family proves to be close-knit, but very funny. Interacting with each other and with other characters, the main characters regularly find themselves in a bizarre and ironic position, delighting with their unsurpassed sense of humor.
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